Monday, December 9, 2013

Today's Manufactured Homes Have Changed Like Yesterday's Stoves!

In the 70's, Manufactured Homes were called Mobile Homes. They were just that! Many still even had the wheels and pull tongue on them when set on a temporary foundation. Today's Manufactured Homes are not anywhere close to that type product. 
It is compared to buying a stove in the 1970's and now buying one today! They both cook, but that is about all they have in common. The new one has convection cooking, infra red cooking, digital temperatures, timers, warming drawers, and just about does it all to make your life easy when cooking. 

Manufactured homes in today's world are so far beyond what they were 10- 20-30 years ago, they are now classified as the most cases the efficient way to build and own a home. The old manufactured homes homes were plastic, drafty, and after a few years of hard living in them,just looked it.

NOW, Manufactured Homes and Modular Homes mostly certified GREEN and very energy efficient. The building quality exceeds most building standards of site built homes, and look spectacular. They are built in a controlled building facility using the same high energy certification, quality control, and overall building standards that brings the customer a home they can live in and be proud of for many years. Most now are certified GREEN so the customer knows all the way down the building process, it is built to high standards, and appliances used in them are energy efficient such as GE Energy Star. 

Now, the customer can buy off the lot, or choose from hundreds of floor plans, personalized options like moving walls,colors, and extras like a fireplace or big covered porches. 

Modular Homes are about like the manufactured standard home, except they have upgraded foundations to facilitate placement on a permanent foundation. They also allow the manufactured home to have multi-directional areas, and not just a boxy look and feel. 

Look at dealers representing multiple lines or brands. It is the best way to shop knowing your have many options and are not just limited to what one manufacturer sells.

Brett Swearingen

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